Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Want to participate in (OR judge) a writing contest?

Hey fellow Tablers,

Any of you that are even remotely involved in The Crooked Table know how important I think it is for writers to stick together. Well, in keeping with that theme, I wanted to share something pretty cool with you all.

The Tampa Writers Alliance ( is hosting its annual writing contest this fall and is currently accepting submissions. It covers a number of different types of writing, and though the prize in not extraordinary, it's really more about getting your work out there. Besides, doesn't the phrase "award-winning writer" have a nice ring to it... ;) For all the details, see

Also, I have been recruited by TWA's president Michael Darling (who reached out to me through the Business Journal) to serve as a judge in the contest. I mentioned that I know a helluva lot of talented writers, and he seemed very enthusiastic when I mentioned I would help spread the word to other potential judges with a passion for writing. All that's required is to devote a single Saturday in November to reviewing the submissions, and all judges receive free admission to the awards banquet in January. For those of you looking to give back something to other aspiring writers or even looking to network with others in the industry, this could be your chance...

Anyway, I've done my part for today... Let me know if you are interested in either entering the contest or becoming a judge, and I'll help facilitate the contact between you and Mr. Darling.

Thanks for reading as always, and stay tuned to a new Table post from yours truly within the next few days!

Happy writing, everyone!

Rob...signing out...

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