Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I'm BACK...

...and honestly, I have no good reason for neglecting the Table. As you guys know, real life has a way of getting in the way of our creative aspirations. However, for the, like, 3 of you that care what I've been up to, let me offer this summary of what's gone down in my world since September (God, has it been that long since I posted here).

As most of you know, I've been working full-time at a local newspaper, and while it's been rewarding as all hell and given me an unbelievably large step forward in my career as a writer, it has also cut into my time to the point where I have taken something of a sabbatical from graduate school. While a 9 to 5 is definitely a setback as far as the creative process goes, I have managed to make some progress on my never-ending screenplay (halfway through the 2nd draft finally!), have brainstormed some song ideas and even reignited my passion for a novel that I started with a friend (in fact, it'll be my next project once my screenplay is done...whenever that Aside from that, I've been dealing with a myriad of other ongoing irritants, including some just-resolved issues relating to my coursework.

Yesterday, I conducted an interview for an upcoming story with a local professional who also dabbles in creative stuff, and he offered me some wise words of encouragement about how I wouldn't want to let years go by and look back on writing that I never finished. I had already been looking to return to the Table and re-focus on my screenplay and such, but this apparently was that nudge I needed to actually make my triumphant re-emergence (haha...).

In any case, I hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day, Halloween, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and any other holiday I missed in my absence. I have plenty of ideas for posts, and I promise I will attempt to post on here more regularly. Maybe I can even manage a weekly post. :0
Although we all know how writers do with schedules... ;)

Stay tuned......
Robert out

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I'm sorry I missed all of this. Sounds like you have a lot of exciting things happening in your life right now. Glad to hear you've resumed work on your screen play. It'll get done little by little. And congratulations on how well your job is going. Who knows what doors will open up from this. :)
