Thursday, December 13, 2007
Cool Writer's Survey; FILL IT OUT!
I posted this really cool writers' survey back in May, but I figured since there are so many new contributors on the Table now that it would be a good idea to re-post it. I invite you all to fill it out as well. It has some really insightful questions about who we are as writers, and I hope that the other contributors will follow my lead and post their versions too.
Check it out, and as always, comments are welcome.
1.Why do you write?
Because it comes relatively easy to me. I wish the answer was more complex than that, but that's what it really comes down to. Even when I was a kid, the English language just made sense to me, and I soon developed into a credible writer. Since then, I've developed my talent, managed to gain some experience, and acquired a number of writing-related ambitions.
2.When did you realize that writing was what you wanted to do for a living?
I was actually about a year and a half into my undergrad at USF, a Pre-med major (of all things...). I was struggling with my classes and reached the point where I realized I was not a science person. I have this theory that there are math/science, technical-minded people and more creative types. After spending three semesters trying to fit in with the medical crowd, I realized I was the latter. After some soul-searching, I emerged with my answer and officially became an English major, where I soon re-ignited my passion for writing, and the grades followed suit. I had found my niche and began seeking ANY way in which I could gain writing experience.
3.Do you write full time?
I don't have a full-time writing job (LET ME KNOW IF YOU FIND ANY!), but I have several part-time writing jobs that I juggle simultaneously. Together, they add up to plenty of work, though I still do not bring in the money I desire. In my free (i.e. non-paid) time, I also like to try and get some creative writing done. Basically, I'm either writing or thinking about writing 24/7.
4.If you could spend a week with any writer (living or dead) who would it be and why?
This is a hard one, but one of them would probably be Friedrich Nietzsche. I would just love to find out what made him tick because I think his ideas were really ahead of his his time. He's probably one of the greatest thinkers in history, and I am in awe of his unique way of looking at the world.
5.Where does your inspiration come from?
Well, I'm inspired by the art of storytelling. This could mean anything from a compelling article to a great film. I'm also inspired by my environment, the people around me, and my own inner demons. I guess you can also attribute it to my own overly-analytical mind. I'm just fascinated by people, I suppose, and the relationships they create and maintain.
6.Do you have a writing ritual? If so… what is it?
I don't have a writing ritual, per se, but I will usually go online, check my e-mail and B.S. for a bit before I finally turn my attention to my work. I need to have a bottle of water handy, and of course, if I'm hungry, I need to eat first too. Oh, and I always play music while I write, usually a film score of some sort.
7.What is the best writing advice you have ever been given?
There's one quote about writing that I really love. I came upon it a while back, and it often lingers in my head. Ray Bradbury said, "You must stay drunk on writing so that reality cannot destroy you." In a society that exalts homogenization and stifles creative expression, I think that it's vital for us writers to maintain a focus on our writing goals. Oftentimes, this means working on a pet project whilst holding down other, menial jobs to make ends meet. When it feels like the world is against you ever finishing your precious manuscript, this quote helps me stay vigilant and focused, even though I often have no practical reason to do so. That's why I started the Table.
8.What genre or genres do you write?
I'm a fan of all types of writing, and so I usually have a multitude of projects in some stage of development (i.e. that I'm planning on working on). Right now, I am currently an editorial intern for the Tampa Bay Business Journal, a staff writer for The Oracle, and I do advertorials for a company called Dunndeal Publications. I am also working on a screenplay that is a drama/love story/coming-of-age tale, am TRYING to write a mystery thriller novel with a friend, and have a couple other non-fiction works that I have in development. Basically, if I have an idea for a project, I'll pursue it in whatever way best suits my objective.
9.What is the greatest obstacle you face as a writer?
Motivation. I'm a chronic procrastinator, and in order to write well, I need to truly become immersed in the piece I'm working on. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of effort on my part to get to that place. Either I don't feel in the mood to write, or I cant find the time to devote myself to my current project. That's a particular problem for unpaid, creative projects because they're not deadline-based. I'm gradually learning
10. Do you have a “writing” website?
Other than the Table, no. I'm still not too familiar with web design and am kind of learning as I go along. I figured starting a blog would be a good way to network and also give me an opportunity to familiarize myself with web design a bit. I'm hearing more and more about how writers need to be able to work with the internet, and there's no better time to start than the present!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Not Oficially A Writer....
Thanks, All!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Conversations With Jenn LIVE!
I'm going to use the space to pimp out my blogsite and my new blogtalkradio show so I hope that's cool.
Conversations With Jenn LIVE!
Also, the last Sunday of every month I'm going to dedicate the show to writing and poetry.
So call me up if you want to read anything!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Pay the Writer! And all creatives...
I just accepted Robert's invitation to join The Crooked Table. Thanks for the invite Robert.
My name is Ryan and I'm a freelance visual journalist (photographer) here in Tampa. I'm also in grad school at USF with several folks on this blog. If interested, some of my work can be seen at The website needs a lot of updating, but for now, it is what it is.
So I wanted to share a video with you. Please watch it! The link will be at the end of this post.
Trying to make it as a "professional" freelancer in any field is a challenge! What we want to do is be creative and maintain the passion for whatever it is that drives us--be it writing or photography, or any other creative endeavor. But, the creating part is only a small fraction of the process. It might be the most difficult, but it certainly isn't the most important. If you want to eat, pay rent, and be able to afford to have the time to spend writing, you have realize that you're running a business!
As an individual, you are still a business. And as a writer making yourself available and your work to others, you impact your colleagues and their ability to earn a living doing what they love too.
I have lots to say on this topic of feeling like and acting like a professional. And the fear it takes to start negotiating with people that want to use you. But,it is a must to learn to value your time and your work in order to continue to doing what you love. Computers, cars, cell phones, condos and everything else we need and use to enable us to write or shoot costs money and it has to come from somewhere. So why not have it come from the people or companies that rely on us and want to use our work or services?
I hope this post starts a discussion and I don't intend for it to be a tirade, but this video really speaks to me and I wanted to share it. Plus it makes me laugh like crazy! Look at the comments too.
So here goes:
Thanks again for the invitation!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Press Pass? Who says you need a Press Pass?!
Hello fellow members of The Table!
Before I get into my post let me just share with you all how excited I am right now!
Last night could have looked like a total coincidence.
A total case of dumb luck.
Or maybe it really WAS the writing gods at work.
As most of you know (or maybe you don't but you will), I write for an online women's publication called The Go-To Girls. (Under the name Piper Jeffries).
Well, recently, instead of writing strictly current events blogs for them they've now got me writing new CD releases (under Monroe Bennett).
Since this publication gives me about 98% creative control I decided last month to review a local unsigned band from New York.
My editor printed it and I asked her if I could continue doing that and she gave me the nonchalant, "Sure. Do whatever you want."
So, this time I decided to review a band that a friend of mine has been playing with called New Season. (Check them out, they're great!)
What perfect way to review a band than to see them live, right?
Well, last night I went to one of their shows.
I was chatting with some of the members and letting them know what I was doing and whatnot.
Apparently, some fans of another band overheard and saw me taking notes and were saying things to me like, "Hey, this guy's in a band too."
The wheels in my head started turning.
Recently, I've been asked to do an advice column for a new alternative magazine called pOke Magazine.
My friend, Misty, who works for them also asked me if I'd be interested in covering Tampa shows and events since I live here and everyone else lives in Polk county. (The magazine's being distributed mainly over there but they want to branch it out too and hope it gets bigger.) I told her I'd probably be too busy and to be honest with you, I couldn't see myself doing something like that.
Lo and behold, I was wrong.
"What if?" I thought.
"What if I covered this thing, wrote up a good story, interviewed a bunch of people, and they ran it? More awesome than that, what if I did this all the time? It would only be like once a month. I could handle it, right?"
So I took a chance and the next thing you know I'm like VIP or something.
I'm talking to bands, fans, managers, and the owner of the place. (Demmi's at Market and 7th in Ybor.)
I got free drinks and I truly felt for the first time in my life, like a Literary Celebrity.
People kept asking me for my email address, myspace, websites, etc.
I didn't have any business cards so writing it all down in my really, really bad handwriting (and being half-drunk) was getting difficult.
(It's ok though. I just ordered business cards for my bad self...)
I had the time of my life and almost everyone I talked to was really cool and receptive.
It was amazing to me how people start treating you once they find out you're with the press.
Especially these bands that want to make it big someday.
(Oooooh! The POWER! Muauhahahahahaha! Lol. Kidding, of course.)
But it WAS really cool.
And news that is WAY more awesome than that.
Misty ok-ed it and the story will run next month.
Also, I'm now going to be doing this a lot more often.
But in the meantime, check out my current stuff at the links on my Myspace and also keep an eye out for the FIRST issue of pOke, coming out on Nov. 29th.
And I'd like to thank all the cool new fans and friends I made last night and a VERY special thanks to Kyle Collinson and the rest of the guys from New Season for getting the whole thing rolling in the first place.
"Daring to dream, living to create" (my blog's slogan)is quickly becoming a reality and I consider it a huge sign that there is no doubt that I'm a writer and that I love every second of it.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
VIDEO: Writing Tips from Author Lia Scott Price: Part 2
My contribution to our new video segment
This video's pretty cool and I'm sure we can all relate!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Silencing the Inner Monologue
And my writing has really come to life.
Words are just pouring out and I am already more than half way to my goal of fifty thousand words. Of course, a lot of those words will go or be changed when editing time comes, but for now, I am letting my imagination have the reins. Surprisingly, since I have been able to let go of that perfectionism, I am having a really great time writing. It's been an adventure again; discovering the characters and the places and just going along with the story as it comes out. Its been really fun.
I will admit that my self-critic rears her ugly head every now and again, but that 50,000 word goal (and my thriving drive to compete with my friends) has really helped to shut her up. So for those of you who were thinking about doing NaNoWriMo and didn't have the time to do it this year, I would highly recomend it for next year. Or maybe we could have our own Crooked Table contest in January (I know better than to say December, since that is probably the craziest month of the year for a lot of people). We could set our own word goal and see how we do. What do you guys think?
Anyway, hope everyone is doing well! Happy writing!
Monday, November 12, 2007
VIDEO: That Novel You've Been Working On?
Check it, and as always, thanks for your support!
VIDEO: Writing Tips from Author Lia Scott Price, Part 1
In an effort to make The Crooked Table a bit more helpful/interactive, I've now added our first-ever video. I found this one on YouTube (what a surprise), and it features the first part of an interview with horror/sci-fi author Lia Scott Price. She discusses her thoughts on the writing process, and I actually agree with much of what she has said. I have yet to check out her website (, but feel free to do so yourself once you check out the video.
Let me know what you think of the video; if it gets a good reception, I'll be happy to post the next part.
Also, if any of you find any cool, writing-related multimedia, please bring it to the Table!
Happy writing,
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Poetry Reading @ The Plaza
How are you all doing?
Robert said it'd be a cool idea to blog about my poetry reading experience at The Plaza last night and I couldn't agree more.
It's very interesting because I totally forgot I was supposed to be performing at this thing until about a week ago.
I was scheduled a month in advance and it just totally slipped my mind.
Maybe it was better that way because then I had no time to even think about being nervous.
So, I drove a few of my friends down to Hudson, Fl (my old hood) and we easily found the place.
It's a tiny little place but they have coffee, beer, and wine so that's pretty groovy.
It was an open mic night and I was the only poet there but the opening musicians were pretty groovy.
Two young kids from a local high school.
I stepped outside to grab a cigarette because I wasn't sure when I was going to be taking the stage when I hear my friend Ciara whisper my name.
"You're on!" she said.
I stomped my cigarette out and literally ran inside.
I grabbed the selection of poems I had typed up just as Stephanie (the owner of The Plaza) was announcing me.
I think the size of the place made me feel closer to the audience but I wasn't nervous about it at all.
I sat on the stool, introduced myself, and just started reading.
Everything went pretty flawless and I didn't feel too nervous. (Just a little bit though. lol)
I heard patrons saying things like "That was beautiful" in the middle of all the applause after I read each one.
It was kind of cool because I explained what my inspiration for some of them were.
Well, after that some singers took the stage and then there were really no more official acts.
My friends started getting into it and the next thing I know my friend Kyle is performing "Folsom Prison Blues" with one of the musicians.
Everyone was having a great time and it was so cool because people just started randomly taking the stage and either jamming out with the musicians, dancing, telling jokes, whatever.
Two of the kids started a freestyle battle and I couldn't think of anything cool to join into it until later.
(But next time it will be ON!)
I even got up there and did my famous scene from Rent, "Over the Moon" and it was just a really awesome time.
I totally want to do it again and a lot of my friends who came along were upset that they didn't bring their instruments and didn't have anything prepared.
What I liked most about the whole experience was how yes, a lot of it was goofy, unrehearsed, and on the spot, but isn't that how art is sometimes?
I can tell you it's a lot more fun when you learn not to take yourself so seriously.
And it made everyone who stepped up to that microphone a hell of a lot less nervous.
So, I'd like to officially thank Stephanie Marinelli and The Plaza for inviting me and for also inviting me back.
I totally want to find time next month and go out there and do it again.
So any of the Table members who have some poetry or some musical talent, or even just the urge to do something crazy in front of an audience should totally come out next time!
It was worth it and it was a lot of fun.
And since this was my second poetry reading and it was a lot less nerve-racking than the first one, I'm sure next time it will be a breeze.
I'll have pictures posted from it on my Myspace soon (and a video!) so hit me up on there at
And hey, if you're not my friend on there yet, you should be!
I'd gladly read anything you post and do my best to spread the word about anything you may be working on or anywhere you may be performing yourself.
I think writers, artists, and musicians should help each other out and it's the least I could do, really.
Well, take care out there in Writing Land!
May the "winter blues" bring you some much needed inspiration to do something great!
Friday, November 2, 2007
National Novel Writing Month
Check it out at :
& ps: Help me get more hits to my blog for my job:
It's definitely not intellectual by any means, but it's for my job and the more hits makes my boss happy. :) Feel free to sign up, but I doubt it would interest any of you!
Crappy First Drafts
That's the word that comes to mind when I think of the draft I am attempting to write now. The dialogue sounds unrealistic and boring. The descriptions seem forced. I'm taking too long to get to the action (and part of the problem is that I'm not sure what the action is in this section) and this little voice in the back of my head keeps whispering that I am wasting my time. The thought of someone else reading what I have written at this point makes me want to change my name and move to a foreign country. Ok, that last part was a little melodramatic.
I also feel the need to confess that I am a chronic "re-doer". I have started this project over three times, changing the setting and the point of view around, messing with where to start the story and how. I've written about twenty chapters all togehter, only two of which are still in use.
My instinct is telling me to push through. If I can get this first draft done--even if it's total crap--then maybe I stand a chance of turning it into something readable down the road. Far, far down the road. :) But tonight I'm really struggling for every sentence and I'm doubting myself big time.
Do you guys have this problem too? Any advice?
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I am the slime
This is RJ. I am new here. Everyone say hello (Hello RJ!). Thanks for the warm reception.
I'd like to recommend an author for you for my first post. His name is Alan Moore, writer of "The Watchmen" "From Hell" and "V for Vendetta." He is my favorite author. Yes, he writes comic books (I prefer the term Graphic Novel). And his stuff amazes me. Please BUY "The Watchmen". Time magazine rated it a top 100 NOVEL of all time, and the thing is just frickin amazing. I'm giving you the heads up now because in a year you will be seeing "The Watchmen" at the movies.
And it won't be better than the book.
Peace out.
My toddler ate my brain.
What genres are you guys interested in? I'm kind of a scifi/fantasy/magical realism type of gal. I honestly don't know what category the project I'm working on would fall into.
Anyway, I look forward to getting to know all of you better and to learning more secrets of the trade! :) Thanks again for inviting me Rob. Happy writing!!
Thank you, I now have my feet under your table!
Thanks for the invitation to your Crooked Table. Sounds like a fun idea, so I am looking forward to this new seating arrangement. Nothing compares to mingling with like-minded people, right?!
Some of you might think I am actually out of my mind. My blog style can be somewhat confusing. You might not be able to tell fact from fiction. Viewers' discretion advised! lol
On a lighter note, I have a thing for satire and humor. Just like to look on the brighter things of life--or not. Anyone got a flashlight?
Like Arni Schwarzi famously said in The Terminator: "I'll be back!"
Friday, October 26, 2007
Random Tips: Get Inside Your Characters' Heads!
Now, you might be asking yourself how this can be done. Well, one method that many creative writers use is to write detailed backstories for the major characters. These serve as virtual biographies for your cast and can help a great deal in crafting and solidifying where your characters are at the beginning of your story. While I did take some notes on the two leads of my screenplay and get a general sense of their pasts, I didn't delve into an intimate Biography Channel-style look at their lives.
On the contrary, I took a more creative approach and made (please don't laugh when I say this...) a mixtape featuring songs that I felt reflected my main character's state of mind... as well as the story's tone. In addition, I imagined at what points throughout the film these songs would fit, and this made it even easier to picture the story. Oftentimes, I would listen to this makeshift "soundtrack" while I was writing, and the vibe seemed smoother than usual.
It's also a great way to keep yourself focused and thinking about your creative work. As we all know, society doesn't quite embarace creativity as much as we'd like (to say the least...), and it's sometimes hard not to forget your labor of love when you have 6 million other things on your plate. During those months when I was unable to make much progress with my script, I would often play this CD, and it would, in essence, grease the creative wheels of my mind and keep me brainstorming. As a result, I devised myriad ways in which to embellish and improve my story and characters, and my script has become infinitely better as a result.
Of course, though this approach may have worked for me, perhaps your sensibility is different. Try a variety of different ways to get in "the zone" of your writing, and please bring your ideas to the Table. How do you put yourself in your characters' shoes?
Monday, October 1, 2007
Risk-taking, accomplishing, & the fear of success
“Dreams that do come true can be as unsettling as those that don't.” -Brett Butler
Ahh, the magical world of freelancing!
For most young writers, the concept of freelance writing does seem like nothing but a mere fantasy.
A far-off dreamland that lies dormant in a small corner of our creative minds.
However, thanks to the wonders of websites such as and people who have made a serious, life-changing decision to commit themselves to pursuing their creative endeavors now have an opportunity to take advantage of all of the joys that being a full time freelance writer can bring them.
I heard a quote recently about taking risks. It was something along the lines of “most people don’t take risks and then realize they lost more by not taking them than they would have if they had failed.”
Most writers will never even know what it is to fail because they never even try to get their work out there or published.
So many writers will find themselves in paid positions where they are unhappy because they have no creative control and no opportunity to truly show their skills and talent simply because they needed the security of a regular paycheck. This is not to say that writers in staff positions are not real writers, they simply chose to achieve their goals in a different way.
If you are one of the staff writers who desires to spread their wings and truly feel trapped by the lack of creative expression then freelancing is definitely worth looking into.
You still have deadlines.
You still have editors.
You still have to send in submissions and compose query letters.
The difference is it is up to your own time, energy, and willpower.
You have to have enough self-focus to be able to completely dedicate yourself to finding the jobs, researching the article topics, and getting them done on time.
You are in complete control over your work progression, your time frame in getting things done, and essentially, the destiny of whether or not you can pay your electric bill.
Sound terribly frightening?
But the benefits to truly doing what you really want to be doing far outnumber any amount of fears that may arise within you.
“Only the best people fight against all obstacles in the pursuit of happiness.” -Kate Winslet, Heavenly Creatures
Often times, the biggest fear that arises within the freelance writer is the fear of success.
When they finally surpass the fear of failure and rejection, a new challenge to face comes around the corner.
Why is the concept of being a successful, paid, (and maybe even famous) writer so scary to people?
Many feel that young writers get very comfortable with the idea of actually becoming a paid writer remaining a far-off dream.
A place that they will get to “someday” or “after they do this.”
Many will ignore or miss opportunities to be successful because they choose to put their focus to the side and get to it after they take the “necessary steps” that will enable them to achieve their goals “in the future.”
Often times, writers who are stuck in places they don’t want to be in, will find themselves to be very self-critical.
They will beat themselves up and feel as if they haven’t accomplished anything but in reality they are just not seeing or giving themselves credit for their accomplishments.
They are so stuck on the thought that because they are not yet in the place they want to be in their writing career that they feel they aren’t working hard enough.
The truth of the matter is the fact that they have acquired so much self-discipline to actually work on becoming a successful freelance writer is an accomplishment in itself.
Truth be told, writing as a career is a tough market. There will always be ups and downs and there will always be bursts of creativity followed by bouts of blockages.
The key to being successful lies in taking a leap of faith. Surrendering completely to your passion for writing is the first step in the process that needs to be taken.
This is often the most difficult of the steps and that is why we are all not raking in the benefits of freelancing.
Writers need other writers sometimes. A support team of fellow freelancers who are taking the risks, jumping and hoping the net will appear, and accomplishing great things everyday. It really helps to be surrounded by fellow creative people so that during the times of the downs you will feel like you have someone to relate to.
The Crooked Table was set up to be a networking tool and an opportunity for writers to have a place to discuss writing topics at. A place where writers could turn to other writers for help and a way to get your name out there. A place full of support and valuable information to ease your success rate.
With enough support and contributions our goal with this blog, and also your personal goals can be accomplished.
We just have to know, as struggling, young writers, that helping each other out is very important.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
So, don’t be afraid to take the risk and jump into freelancing. Even starting out small is a huge step in the right direction. And never be afraid of what you can create because holding on to that fear is usually the main thing that’s holding you back.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Press Pass
I love the phrase press pass! Am I the only one? Is this wrong of me? A buddy of mine told me just before I left my corporate position to use my press pass to get into everything. He said, "You never know if you can or can't get in until you try."
This got me to thinking, is trying to get into everything abuse of power or is it simply a chance to possibly get a new story or a new angle on an old story that I might not have thought of. I think that as writers we need to try to go to events and immerse ourselves in the things that interest us most because who knows, maybe we'll get a story out of it.
No longer will I go to the grocery store without thinking of angles and leads. There’s a story around everywhere about tons of subjects and if it matters I want to report on it!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Writing Wisdom - Lesson #1: The Writer's Arch-Nemesis
Although the Internet is an invaluable resource, considering it is virtually a limitless jumble of information, I have found it to be the most troublesome distraction when I'm trying to work on a project. While the television, radio, and cell phones can easily be turned off and set aside, the Internet is omnipresent. Unless you write by hand or are one of the select few to stubbornly cling to your twenty-year-old typewriter, chances are you spend several hours a day in front of a computer screen, like you are right now.
The fact of the matter is that there is no way to escape the Internet. After all, when you're writing, the web is only a double-click away. Even the slightest inclination to check your e-mail, browse a site, or IM someone can be rewarded in a matter of seconds. You tell yourself that you'll only go on for a second, but deep down, you know signing on to your ISP is a bad idea. However, nothing is more intimidating than a blank page waiting to be filled with your brilliant prose. So writers (myself included) often find themselves killing precious time meandering around the corners of our favorite website.
And in the last couple of years, this problem has gotten SO much worse. With the inception and massive popularization of social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook, the general public is encouraged to spend even more time online customizing their profiling, contacting friends (or total strangers, for that matter), or researching whatever happened to their high school crush. YouTube is another huge offender, seducing us creative types away from our respective projects to revel in the ridiculous (but often very entertaining) videos that users have uploaded.
So, while there is no denying that the Internet has revolutionized the way we obtain and share information, it has also become a problem for writers, especially those stricken with "writer's block" (though I don't believe such a thing really exists...but that's a topic for another post. In fact, look for that as a future lesson). And because most of us rely on the computer to do all our writing, we must always struggle with the urge to surf the web rather than focus our energies on our writing. Since there's no way to completely avoid the Internet and therefore the temptation to wander from your work, the only option is to mentally train yourself to stay in the zone.
I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on this issue. How do you combat the constant distraction of the Internet when you're trying to get some writing done? Please let me know!
Thanks for reading...
Thursday, July 12, 2007
It's Been a Long Time...
Since 2000 or so, I've been flirting with the idea of writing a screenplay. However, high school, family, friends, etc. always interfered. I had lists of story ideas, and pages of notes on one particular story idea. However, while I certainly had the aspiration to put this tale on paper, I only found the time (and the nerve) to actually start writing once I graduated college.
So, in January 2006, I set forth laying down scenes for my initial screenplay. The whole process involved extensive outlining, character development, the creation of scene-corresponding index cards, and a whole mess of notes. While I still pursued academic and professional endeavors, I managed to maintain a tenuous grasp on my screenwriting dreams, never completely allowing this project to escape from my thoughts. Whenever I could muster the time and motivation (In my opinion, the true task for any writer is pulling yourself together enough to get something - anything - done.), I found myself sitting in front of the computer, even if it meant I only got a single scene done. Every little bit helps, I guess.
Throughout the day, I would carry my notes and notecards with me, gradually developing the plot and characters of my masterpiece-in-progress. There were times where I became disgusted with the project, when I questioned my own sanity, and thought that any attempt at creating a screenplay was a futile effort. However, all of my hard work was (somewhat) validated when, right before July 4, I finally managed to complete the first draft of my screenplay.
While I remain mum on plot details (Somehow I don't think posting uncopyrighted material on the world wide web is a smart move.), I will divulge that the story is semi-autobiographical in nature. If writers should write what they know, I figured a tale vaguely based on myself couldn't be too hard to manage. After all, I can assure you that no one knows me better than myself. Although the first draft is, of course, still very rough around the edges (Much of the dialogue is stilted and awkward, character arcs need tweaking, and my themes aren't nearly as clear as I would like.), I now have something to work with. For the first time, I can say that I am revising my first screenplay.
I may be far from where I want the project to ultimately be, but the completion of this first crucial step has made me feel a bit more confident about my future as a creative writer. Aside from a few poems here and there, this is the first wholly original creative work I've made even remote progress on. I'm already loving the revision process, and I look forward to the continuing evolution of my story.
On another front, I have enthusiastically enjoyed my experience as editor of one of the sections of my college newspaper this summer. Although my tenure as editor will shortly be coming to a close, the skills I've acquired there will undoubtedly prove invaluable in the future. While my class schedule will preclude me from returning to head the section, I will remain as a staff writer in the fall, and I'm certainly open to stepping up to the plate again next summer.
Meanwhile, there's plenty of writing plans and opportunities on the horizon which I fully intend to explore. So, hang in there, fellow writers. Keep plugging at your side projects, and eventually you'll get there. At last, I'm making progress on my goals, and you can do the same too... Stay vigilant and remember what Ray Bradbury said: "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you."
Thanks for reading...I'll keep you all posted on my future projects. As always, if you have comments, bring them to the Table!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
If you're reading this, fill it out!
I found this really cool writers' survey (thanks to my co-contributor Jenn) and just had to post it on the Table. I invite you all to fill it out as well. It has some really insightful questions about who we are as writers, and I hope that the other contributors will follow my lead and post their versions too.
Check it out, and as always, comments are welcome.
1.Why do you write?
Because it comes easy to me. I wish the answer was more complex than that, but that's what it really comes down to. Even when I was a kid, the English language just made sense to me, and I soon developed into a credible writer. Since then, I've developed my talent, managed to gain some experience, and acquired a number of writing-related ambitions.
2.When did you realize that writing was what you wanted to do for a living?
I was actually about a year and a half into my undergrad at USF, a Pre-med major (of all things...). I was struggling with my classes and reached the point where I realized I was not a science person. I have this theory that there are math/science, technical-minded people and more creative types. After spending three semesters trying to fit in with the medical crowd, I realized I was the latter. After some soul-searching, I emerged with my answer and officially became an English major, where I soon re-ignited my passion for writing, and the grades followed suit. I had found my niche and began seeking ANY way in which I could gain writing experience.
3.Do you write full time?
I don't have a full-time writing job (LET ME KNOW IF YOU FIND ANY!), but I have several part-time writing jobs that I juggle simultaneously. Together, they add up to plenty of work, though I still do not bring in the money I desire. In my free (i.e. non-paid) time, I also like to try and get some creative writing done. Basically, I'm either writing or thinking about writing 24/7.
4.If you could spend a week with any writer (living or dead) who would it be and why?
This is a hard one, but one of them would probably be Friedrich Nietzsche. I would just love to find out what made him tick because I think his ideas were really ahead of his his time. He's probably one of the greatest thinkers in history, and I am in awe of his unique way of looking at the world.
5.Where does your inspiration come from?
Well, I'm inspired by the art of storytelling. This could mean anything from a compelling article to a great film. I'm also inspired by my environment, the people around me, and my own inner demons. I guess you can also attribute it to my own overly-analytical mind. I'm just fascinated by people, I suppose, and the relationships they create and maintain.
6.Do you have a writing ritual? If so… what is it?
I don't have a writing ritual, per se, but I will usually go online, check my e-mail and B.S. for a bit before I finally turn my attention to my work. I need to have a bottle of water handy, and of course, if I'm hungry, I need to eat first too. Oh, and I always play music while I write, usually a film score of some sort.
7.What is the best writing advice you have ever been given?
There's one quote about writing that I really love. I came upon it a while back, and it often lingers in my head. Ray Bradbury said, "You must stay drunk on writing so that reality cannot destroy you." In a society that exalts homogenization and stifles creative expression, I think that it's vital for us writers to maintain a focus on our writing goals. Oftentimes, this means working on a pet project whilst holding down other, menial jobs to make ends meet. When it feels like the world is against you ever finishing your precious manuscript, this quote helps me stay vigilant and focused, even though I often have no practical reason to do so. That's why I started the Table.
8.What genre or genres do you write?
I'm a fan of all types of writing, and so I usually have a multitude of projects in some stage of development (i.e. that I'm planning on working on). Right now, I am currently a journalist for The Oracle, and I do advertorials for a company called Dunndeal Publications. I am also working on a screenplay that is a drama/love story/coming-of-age tale, am poised to collaborate with a friend on a novel that is a mystery thriller, and have a couple other non-fiction works that I have begun doing research for. Basically, if I have an idea for a project, I'll pursue it in whatever way best suits my objective.
9.What is the greatest obstacle you face as a writer?
Motivation. I'm a chronic procrastinator, and in order to write well, I need to truly become immersed in the piece I'm working on. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of effort on my part to get to that place. Either I don't feel in the mood to write, or I cant find the time to devote myself to my current project. That's a particular problem for unpaid, creative projects because they're not deadline-based. I'm gradually learning
10. Do you have a “writing” website?
Other than the Table, no. I'm still not too familiar with web design and am kind of learning as I go along. I figured starting a blog would be a good way to network and also give me an opportunity to familiarize myself with web design a bit. I'm hearing more and more about how writers need to be able to work with the internet, and there's no better time to start than the present!
Monday, May 14, 2007
OK, It's Official... I'm Meant to Be a Writer
Sure, I had already been working as a staff writer for the paper for the past year, but this was an entirely different animal. Instead of simply submitting my own stories, I would have to manage an entire section of the paper, editing stories, designing layout, etc., and while I knew I could handle it, my anxiety refused to relent. Particularly troubling was that the fact that I would be working with a program that was completely foreign to me.
So, last night, I arrived at 5pm as expected, and my Assistant Editor (who is also new to the whole editor gig) was already awaiting my arrival. While we both were apprehensive about beginning our duties. However, throughout the course of the night, as we grappled with late stories, a total lack of workable artwork, and schedule issues (typical obstacles, I would assume), I ultimately found myself invigorated by the whole process.
What always appealed to me the most about writing was the creativity involved. The way in which a writer can transform a blank page into a compelling work of art is truly astonishing to me, and the greatest feeling of all is to have the satisfaction of being the one pulling the strings, to see something you created come to life. After three years as a published writer, seeing an article of mine in print does not quite create the surge of enthusiasm it used to, but my initial experience as an editor completely rejuvenated my love of writing.
To you writers who have yet to earn your first byline, please don't misinterpret my seeming nonchalance. I always relished the opportunity to add another clip to my ever-increasing portfolio, but I haven't been this excited about being a writer for as long as I can remember. It was like- if there was any lingering doubt that I had picked the wrong industry to work in, it was completely dashed after last night. That kind of self-affirmation is all too rare these days, especially for me.
What started as a few weeks of escalating anxiety has now crescendoed into a surprising confirmation of my place in this business. Although this editor job will only run through the summer (since it will interfere with my classes in the fall), I am certain that this experience will prove invaluable in the future. After all, the position has already effectively re-energized my focus on journalism. Not bad for a night's work...
"Why do writers write? Because it isn't there."
-Thomas Berger
Monday, May 7, 2007
Come and share in my jubilation!
I'm going through a lot right now.
I'm starving.
And I'm a writer.
But that's the least of my problems.
In all seriousness, though, and on a much happier note:
I received my first paycheck today from the publication that I write for.
I'm ecstatic.
This proves that they aren't stealing articles from me.
This proves that it's all legit.
This proves that I am, in fact, a working writer.
Which brings me to a good point.
These are occuring in all different fields, shapes, colors and sizes.
People are even stealing articles from people for their "search engine" sites and promising to pay and then you never hear from them again.
I'm guilty of falling prey to such predators so I'm warning you all to be careful. is a great place to find writing gigs but you must use caution.
The telecommuting freelance writer jobs link listed right here on The Crooked Table is a great credible source that often has links to LEGIT Craigslist posts.
I highly recommend that site to all of you.
It's a short post today since I have other work that I should be doing right now but I figured I'd just share the news with all of my adoring fans!
Without my readers I couldn't even call myself a writer so I thank you all for your support and any other help I can offer you, don't hesitate to let me know!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Films for Writers: Stranger Than Fiction
Personally, films are a great source of inspiration for me, and in keeping with the Table's "for writers by writers" tone, I have decided to institute an ongoing segment called Films for Writers, in which contributors can select a film which they feel will provide us writers with a sense of inspiration or which contributes some incisive commentary on the writing process (I'm sure Adaptation will turn up at some point...).
For the first entry in this series, I would like to place the spotlight on one of my favorite writing-related films: the unlikely gem Stranger Than Fiction. Directed by Marc Forster (Finding Neverland), this brilliant comedy/drama stars Will Ferrell in a rare escape from his usual Ron Burgundy/Ricky Bobby schtick.
In a shockingly heartfelt and believeable performance, Ferrell plays tax auditor Harold Crick who one day discovers that a woman is narrating his every action, as he says, "accurately...and with a better vocabulary." As it turns out, this mysterious narrator is best-selling novelist Kay Eiffel (Emma Thompson), who is stricken with writer's block as she attempts to find a way to kill off the protagonist of her latest novel, a protagonist named... Harold Crick. When Harold discovers, via the voice in his head, that he is marked for death, he seeks out the help of Dr. Jules Hilbert (Dustin Hoffman) and tries desperately to thwart his own demise.
As a writer, I naturally connected to the very premise of this film, and it never fails to deliver on the promise it exhibits in the opening scenes. First-time screenwriter Zach Helm's ingenious script touches on numerous themes that will undoubtedly be familiar to many viewers, especially us writers. The film sets out to tell a wholly original and clever portrait of a man seizing his destiny rather than idling watching the days fall off the calender, and on that note, it succeeds remarkably. The film makes a rather explicit case for the carpe diem approach to life and addresses the interconnectedness that surrounds us but that we rarely (or never) see. Every moment, every action, as the laws of physics say, has a reaction. As in the film, every instance is a vital part of life and should be paid attention to... and cherished. And therein lies the film's greatest strength. In addtion to simply telling Harold's story, Stranger Than Fiction weaves in layers of subtext.
Kay's dilemma with writer's block is clearly a common environment for writers, and the film's idea that her writing has a direct effect on the real world (for example, her power over Harold's life) is certainly food for thought. As the driving force behind the film's plot, Kay's struggle ultimately must decide the film's ending. In a strange way, the film is a cinematic representation of her still-in-progress novel. We, the viewers, become just as invested in this character as his creator, and the film's final statement regarding Harold's fate is a fitting conclusion, one that simultaneously reaffirms and disregards the entire writing process.
Have any of you seen this film? Feel free to comment on my selection.
Also, I'd love to hear your suggestions on other films to include in Films for Writers. Ask me to be a contributor and perhaps you can even cover it yourself!
Shoot me some comments, people!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
This Is Why We Write
I hate that question.
It can be answered in so many ways.
"What do I like to do....when?" is often my answer.
When I'm bored?
For fun?
For a job?
I find myself answering, "I'm a writer" to nearly all three.
"Wow. That's really cool," they say.
.I smile and nod.
They have no idea.
I started writing at the ripe age of six.
Some little piece about two squirrels fighting in my front yard for extra credit in my language arts class.
From that day on, everything became a story and the praise I got for the things I wrote down became a sick addiction.
I got a typewriter at the age of nine from some random old man walking down the street.
He had just moved to the area and was starting a free neighborhood publication and was looking for kids to contribute to the "Kid's Korner" section.
"You have a lot of talent." he told me and shook my hand like an adult.
I was hooked.
I wanted deadlines.
I wanted an editor.
I wanted my picture on the backflap of some best selling novel.
I had "Do Not Disturb" signs for my bedroom even way back then.
Now they usually have "unless you want to have your head bitten off" written in italics at the bottom of them.
Yes, the writer's life can be somewhat stressful.
I spent 23 years of my life not getting paid for what I do and just merely dreaming about it.
Nowadays, it's a different story.
I actually got off my ass and sent things out to publishers.
I actually looked for the freelance jobs.
I actually got myself started somewhere.
Now I have deadlines.
Now I have an editor.
Now I have "no time to work on my novel."
Now I have achieved zen.
But this is why we write, right?
Because we love it.
Plain and simple.
We accept the fact that some days our only friends will be a blank screen, a bottle of Jack, and a pack of Marlboros.
Our human friends have learned to accept the fact that when we're blocked and running against a deadline we tend to be more snappy.
When we get checks in the mail from writing and comments from readers on how great we are, we rejoice!
All the dreaming, hard work, and dedication....
All the sleepless nights....
All the blood, sweat, and tears....
It's all worth it in the end.
And you know it to be true, dear writer.
Or else you wouldn't be here.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Welcome to the "Table," fellow writers...
Let me be the first to welcome you to The Crooked Table.
First off, let me explain the blog's name. A few weeks ago, a longtime friend and I were meeting at a local Starbucks to discuss a story idea we've been developing together. He and I have both been working on other projects and had decided that we would work on a novel this summer. Anyway, this was essentially our first real brainstorming session, and we were both looking forward to start fleshing out the plot. It was a nice, breezy day out so we took our lattes outside and sat at one of the little metal tables.
Immediately upon sitting down, we noticed that our chosen table was, well, crooked. Jokingly, I asked my friend if this was a bad omen, since this occasion marked our first "meeting" about the novel. Rather than shrugging this off or ignoring my comment, he posed a radically different approach than my own. Perhaps the table's abnormality was actually a fortuitous sign, indicating that we were setting ourselves on a path of distinction. Although his comments were half-made in jest, something about his answer stuck with me, and for reasons unknown to me, I scribbled down the words "The Crooked Table" on my notepad.
At the time, I had been considering starting a blog, and when it came time to devise a name, I stumbled upon my notepad, littered with plot and character details from that soon-to-be novel I'd mentioned. I was looking to name my blog something unique, distinctive, but not overly blatant. The words jumped out at me, and I started thinking...
That experience, the seeming abnormality, of the crooked table truly fit with the concept of being a writer (bear with me...). As writers, I think we view the world in an entirely different light. I feel like we tend to be a bit overanalytical, suspicious, and inquisitive. But most of all, I think we see more than others. Whereas someone else would have never given that whole "crooked table" story a second thought, I have taken that as inspiration to create this blog. People too often pass by extraordinary people and events, not even realizing what they're missing. Like all writers, my primary source of inspiration is everyday life. Other people always wonder where writers come up with such brilliant ideas, and the answer is THEY PAY ATTENTION!
However, being a writer isn't all "sunshine and rainbows" (that's from a movie, but I can't remember which right now...). It's hard work, dedication, and often means long periods of isolation. It's a constant battle against a blank screen (or page, for those of you who work primarily out of notebooks), and often the most difficult part is just getting yourself to open up and freely and honestly express yourself. Also, since many of us must maintain ordinary (read: boring) jobs, it's a problem simply to find the time to focus your energy on writing.
I know from first-hand experience that being a writer is very rewarding, but it is definitely an inner struggle, which is why I created this blog. Writers, although some would probably never admit it, need to connect with other writers. That sense of community can really make all the difference. "The Crooked Table," as you can see from the top of this screen is designed "for writers by writers." I envision the blog as a forum for writers to interact with other writers, discuss their processes, share/promote their projects, or even post random comments/observations.
Over the past year, I've had the great privilege of meeting and getting to know some really great writers, and my intention is to get some of them to become regular contributors to "The Crooked Table." So continue checking back, as I'm sure we'll have new posts very soon!
So, fellow writers, I hope you enjoy the blog, and if you have any comments or anything you'd like to see, don't hesitate to bring it to the "Table."
Thanks for dropping by,
"I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product... of me."
-Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson), The Departed